Monday, March 16, 2009

Sam Withdrawls

Via Yahoo Messenger

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delaneyundead: SAm.
delaneyundead: I miss you
delaneyundead: you arent even online
delaneyundead: how pathetic am I?
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: we havent talked lately im sorrrryyyyy its been crazy here
delaneyundead: ugh
delaneyundead: miss eweeee
delaneyundead: who else will gossip with me about sexypants and mic todd???? whooooooooooooooooooooooo


NerdySam said...

Awwww Delaney poo! I miss you too! Ugh that rhyming made me nauseous. I'll be on later tonight probably AAALLLLLL night it's one of those days. So I'll see you tonight hopefully! I luh you!

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