Wednesday, February 25, 2009

LMAO. Stalk Talk.

Via yahoo messenger photoshare with sam. I cant believe IM posting this. It makes me look like an effing psycho. Im diggin my own grave with this one...

delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: tada
delaneyundead: my computer screen
doucheisafunnyword: hahahahaha
delaneyundead: youre on it too
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: <3
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: Now I should send you mine.
delaneyundead: part of me wants to post this to robotluv sooo bad
delaneyundead: because its super
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: super stalkerish, taht is
doucheisafunnyword: dooo it
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: im going for it
delaneyundead: lmfao
doucheisafunnyword: mines creepy
doucheisafunnyword: lol
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: yesss
doucheisafunnyword: I lurve it
delaneyundead: but the question is: whos is creepier?
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: because at least yours isnt stalking a famous person like mine
doucheisafunnyword: hmmmm they are creepy in different ways
delaneyundead: What would be REALLY creepy is if we combined the two
doucheisafunnyword: mines just a psychotic rapist
delaneyundead: lol.
delaneyundead: before tonight at least in my defense I can say my background was different
doucheisafunnyword: Yessss can you photoshop?
delaneyundead: it was the mic todd pic you sent me, minus the border
delaneyundead: lmfao im such a tool.
doucheisafunnyword: You should photoshop mic into joker makeup
doucheisafunnyword: hahahahaha
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: no way
delaneyundead: thatd crush my dreams
doucheisafunnyword: So, do you like fat guys with no money?
doucheisafunnyword: yesss
doucheisafunnyword: wait
doucheisafunnyword: noooooo
delaneyundead: knowing my luck, one day ill meet him..and he'll be like "lets elope." so we do..and then in the middle of the night I wake up to find him in full out joker paint
delaneyundead: and then he will inform me casually that its just what he does at night time for fun.
doucheisafunnyword: hahaha
doucheisafunnyword: or he'll be getting it on with a donkey and be like "it's those damn muscle mags!"
delaneyundead: If Chonny were to ever stumble upon this Id die.
doucheisafunnyword: lmao

My Computer Background

Sam's Computer Background

Star Wars, Shmar Wars...

Via Yahoo Messenger. Okay, I admit I just wanted a reason to write 'star wars shmar wars'

delaneyundead: there is great movie coming out
delaneyundead: or already out
delaneyundead: and i must see it
doucheisafunnyword: ?
delaneyundead: its about star wars fans
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: lets go see it together
doucheisafunnyword: yessssss
doucheisafunnyword: I want a lightsaber tattoo sooooo bad
delaneyundead: wtf is it called again???
doucheisafunnyword: ?
doucheisafunnyword: I dunno
doucheisafunnyword: I have a friend who has a tattoo on the back of his neck that says JEDI
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: i told you about when i got caught in the dark with lightsabers, right?delaneyundead: wow, that sounds bad
doucheisafunnyword: NO!
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: oh yes
doucheisafunnyword: teelllll meeeeeeeee
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: I wish you were real.. lol
doucheisafunnyword: <3
delaneyundead: Okay, so my bestest real life friend Brianna and I have this thing with star wars...we have ever since we met our sophomore year of high school.
delaneyundead: welll
delaneyundead: When we were 18 there was this Darth Vader mask at target, on sale for 10 bucks
delaneyundead: so of course, I was a young single girl with no child at the time, I blew the cash on it
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: it was SO SWEET
delaneyundead: it had this voice box thing on it
delaneyundead: where you could change your voice, and then press a button and it would breathe all heavy
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: soooo...
delaneyundead: since we got the mask, we couldnt pass up buying some lightsabers and ray guns
delaneyundead: we drove all over town and waved them at people out the window...when nightime hit it was superrrrr
doucheisafunnyword: omg'
delaneyundead: We had this friend Sean, who lived in a house downtown from us and he had this weird open-garage type thing
delaneyundead: we decided to hide in there and when he came home we'd start battling with the sabers and put on a show
doucheisafunnyword: holy hell
delaneyundead: he wouldnt know who we were because she ninja scarved her face and i had darth on, of course
delaneyundead: wellll....
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
delaneyundead: we waited and talked ish with each other until we heard him driving up on his moped
doucheisafunnyword: HAHAH
doucheisafunnyword: the moped takes this story from a 9 to a 76
doucheisafunnyword: that's on a scale of 1-10 mind you
delaneyundead: little fact about Sean talkington: he went through this faze where he was in a 'moped gang' called the Black Crows, which consisted of a bunch of random artsy kids who moped-ed around town.
doucheisafunnyword: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
delaneyundead: (they were all like 26 years old...way to make the story evennn betterrr)doucheisafunnyword: please post this one robotluv
doucheisafunnyword: if you love me you will
doucheisafunnyword: hahahaha
delaneyundead: So we were battling at full force and all of these kids come driving up.
delaneyundead: They all stopped, and we stopped
delaneyundead: and they stared at us, and we stared at them.
delaneyundead: and then someone was like "who is that???"
delaneyundead: and we ran into his house
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: it's like i'm on a lolercoster
delaneyundead: it was fantastic
delaneyundead: we made such tools out of ourselves
doucheisafunnyword: you should have stopped and stared at them
delaneyundead: it was bad enough that we were Sean's 'young friends who weren't artsy enough'
delaneyundead: then we had to pull out the lightsabers
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: best memory ever
doucheisafunnyword: and then continued the fight
doucheisafunnyword: That's fantastic
delaneyundead: lol..
doucheisafunnyword: the only story that I have that's semi funny like that is..we used to build our own rockets and launch them
delaneyundead: when we drove home that night we saw bri's little sister and her boyfriend driving the other way from we drove up and waved our lightsabers in slow motion
delaneyundead: Cassidy (her lil sis) was about to die
doucheisafunnyword: LMAO
delaneyundead: we were always embarassing her....umm....and i guess ourselves
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: BEST FRIENDS
doucheisafunnyword: Embarassment if for losers
doucheisafunnyword: !
doucheisafunnyword: I have NO DIGNITY

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

PMS...I Despise You

Via Yahoo messenger

delaneyundead: im also PMSing
delaneyundead: its my worst enemy
doucheisafunnyword: oooh awesome!
delaneyundead: i get SOOO emotional and depressed
delaneyundead: and if you think im joking
delaneyundead: think again
delaneyundead: lol

Monday, February 23, 2009

Jersey Jew, Jew, Jew...I Could Say It All Day Long...

Via Yahoo Messenger

delaneyundead: some random firefighter jsut called and talked with me for about 6 minutes
delaneyundead: scary
Ashten Fox: huh?!
delaneyundead: they wanted money
delaneyundead: and so he kept telling me i sounded pretty
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: those firefighters...they sure do know how to swindle
Ashten Fox: damn them
Ashten Fox: no wonder steve was a firefighter
Ashten Fox: he could talk his way out of or into anything
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: you are in a household full of jews
Ashten Fox: i knowwwwww
delaneyundead: the cool thing?
delaneyundead: I can say that since you are
1. my best friend.
delaneyundead: and
delaneyundead: 2. really a true jew
delaneyundead: since youre a real jew and my bff, it cancels out any racism that could be interpreted in my statement
Ashten Fox: fa sho
delaneyundead: oh and black
delaneyundead: I forgot the black part
delaneyundead: and also I guess Italian too
Ashten Fox: true true
delaneyundead: and since youre married to steve and hes the whitest of them all, I guess technically you can rep for whitey too
delaneyundead: dang
Ashten Fox: im both coasts too
Ashten Fox: yayyy
delaneyundead: This takes our friendship to a whole 'nother level, because now when we're out driving at night
delaneyundead: I can throw multiple gang signs
delaneyundead: without fear of retaliation from the streets
Ashten Fox: hahahaha
Ashten Fox: yessss
delaneyundead: I mean, 'da streets'
delaneyundead:Im still not touching Jersey though
delaneyundead: no way.
delaneyundead: I mean, Ill go visit your family with you
Ashten Fox: hahahahaha
delaneyundead: but Im not reppin' anythign there
delaneyundead: Im liable to be thrown into the jersey shores, never to be seen again for months
Ashten Fox: true
delaneyundead: until my body washes up on the shore,
delaneyundead: covered in hypodermic needles and empty crack baggies that collected on my skin from the waters.
Ashten Fox: which wouldbe bad
Ashten Fox: i have to say
delaneyundead: could probably sell some of it
delaneyundead: I mean, Id understand if you did
delaneyundead: those needles might come in good use for somebody
Ashten Fox: especially to the crack heads
delaneyundead: See? You totally get me
delaneyundead: BFFs

Someone Please Beat Me To The Brink Of Death And Then Leave Me For A Few Days So My Ghost-Like Spirit Can Wander Around Spying On People...

Via yahoo messenger. My status today said "I had a great dream about someone last night and Im not telling." So Ashten responded.

Ashten Fox: lmao
Ashten Fox: i bet i could guesssss
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: ok
delaneyundead: guess
Ashten Fox: uhm
Ashten Fox: dr sexypants
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: how could you ever have known?
Ashten Fox: idk
Ashten Fox: i think i have espn
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: I kept Drew home from daycare today
delaneyundead: hes feeling better
delaneyundead: but i didnt want to test it
delaneyundead: so now he is napping
Ashten Fox: yeah
Ashten Fox: auwww
delaneyundead: and I watched a great movie
Ashten Fox: poor buddy
delaneyundead: that was sad
Ashten Fox: which one
delaneyundead: The Invisible
delaneyundead: seen it?
Ashten Fox: no i havent
Ashten Fox: sonds familiar though
delaneyundead: Hold on
delaneyundead: Ill send you a link
Ashten Fox: that looks good
Ashten Fox: hmm
delaneyundead: It was really intense
delaneyundead: lol
Ashten Fox: it is going on my netflix
delaneyundead: and Im PMSing so it almost made me cry
delaneyundead: dont read too much of that link though
delaneyundead: I think it spoils the ending
delaneyundead: and the best part is the suspense
Ashten Fox: holy cow
Ashten Fox: i can watch it right now on netflix
Ashten Fox: ay caramba
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: you should
delaneyundead: its intense
Ashten Fox: i will when im done making this video im workin on
delaneyundead: lol the lead actor starts out not so cute
delaneyundead: but then since hes such a decent actor
delaneyundead: he gets cuter
Ashten Fox: i love those kind

A few minutes later...

delaneyundead: oh lame
delaneyundead: the lead actor i was telling you about?
Ashten Fox: yeah
delaneyundead: well..hes in dragonball
delaneyundead: how lame
delaneyundead: it comes out this year
Ashten Fox: hahahahahahahha
Ashten Fox: dragonball?!
Ashten Fox: wtffffff
delaneyundead: yeah
Ashten Fox: im so sick of all this japanese anime shit
delaneyundead: how is he even in it?
Ashten Fox: japanese people are dorks
delaneyundead: hes not even asian
delaneyundead: wanna see?
Ashten Fox: hence steven loves them
Ashten Fox: i believe you
delaneyundead: oh boo
delaneyundead: it wont let me copy/save
delaneyundead: here
delaneyundead: look at this link
Ashten Fox: ok
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: thats him
delaneyundead: stupid
Ashten Fox: very
delaneyundead: In some of his pics hes cute
delaneyundead: in some he looks like someone's hairy ass
delaneyundead: 'Justin Chatwin'
Ashten Fox: lmao
Ashten Fox: you dont have anything against hairy ass face
Ashten Fox: look at mic todd
delaneyundead: oh we go again
delaneyundead: must I explain to you how beautiful he is when hes playing bass on stage?Ashten Fox: here we go again where im right
Ashten Fox: and your crazy
delaneyundead: Crazy for some lumberjack
delaneyundead: mrs. delaney Mic Todd
delaneyundead: it kinda looks scottish if you dont know how to say it
delaneyundead: sweet
Ashten Fox: lmao
delaneyundead: Delaney McTodd
delaneyundead: You could shorten it, even
Ashten Fox: you are going to love my mooooooooovie
delaneyundead: Delaney Todd
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: I bet I will
Ashten Fox: oh you have no idea

Friday, February 20, 2009

So It Goes...Some Posts Go On Forever.

Via Yahoo Messenger. Late night/super early morning rambling post between miss sammy and I. Be prepared. it almost never ends.

delaneyundead: heyyyyyyy-yah
delaneyundead: i felled asleepies
doucheisafunnyword: you're the devil.
doucheisafunnyword: i had to spend time with myself...
delaneyundead: sowwie
delaneyundead: so
delaneyundead: i read chonny's latest
delaneyundead: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: do you know how horrible I am?
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
delaneyundead: you said "lets all beat each other in a circle"
doucheisafunnyword: yes I did,
doucheisafunnyword: similar to a circle jerk
doucheisafunnyword: but not
doucheisafunnyword: have you ever listened to any Shabutie?
delaneyundead: no
doucheisafunnyword: OH MUH GAWD
doucheisafunnyword: seriously?!
doucheisafunnyword: Seriously?
doucheisafunnyword: you know shabutie was the precursor toCoheed, right?doucheisafunnyword: go to my blog immediately
doucheisafunnyword: listen to that.
delaneyundead: yes and ok
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: it says reeeeeaaal dirty things
delaneyundead: is it the dirty song?
doucheisafunnyword: nasty like "give me my pussy, you whore"
delaneyundead: i commented on it
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: "when in doubt just get down on your knees and suck me"
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
delaneyundead: i didnt know that was shabutie
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: its almost compariable shaft
doucheisafunnyword: yeah that's chonny's boyfriancee
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: oh dang
doucheisafunnyword: I'm only saying this because I'm a pervert, but I guarentee they have great secks
delaneyundead: ewww oh god
delaneyundead: other people having sex
delaneyundead: I need to bleach my thoughts now
doucheisafunnyword: lol as long as they're attractive it's cool
delaneyundead: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: it's not like I said "old people doing it covered in mayonaise"
doucheisafunnyword: ::gag::
delaneyundead: okay im listening now just for yous
doucheisafunnyword: I didn't think that all the way through
delaneyundead: hmmm wait
doucheisafunnyword: ?
delaneyundead: that old people covered in mayo thing
doucheisafunnyword: ?!
delaneyundead: isnt that in a movie?
doucheisafunnyword: chapelle show
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: yesssss
doucheisafunnyword: sex ed
doucheisafunnyword: I found a video you have to see
delaneyundead: this song
delaneyundead: musically makes me feel like Im on amphetamines
doucheisafunnyword: Yessssss
doucheisafunnyword: the end is the best
delaneyundead: lyrically, its not too clear
doucheisafunnyword: hang on..
delaneyundead: oh gosh, hee hee....eevery musician has to have that first band experience, right?
delaneyundead: I remember my first 'band' never going to be in a band again.
delaneyundead: and the one after
delaneyundead: iwish i could find our demo for you!
delaneyundead: oh gosh
delaneyundead: it was super
delaneyundead: and when I say super, I mean it sucked balls
doucheisafunnyword: ookay here are the lyrics

insert obscene lyrics here

delaneyundead: how fanciful
doucheisafunnyword: there's more the page froze up
delaneyundead: lol...I wonder if this is one of those songs that has a super duper secret meaning....
doucheisafunnyword: stupid INTERNETZZZZ
delaneyundead: or if it literally is what it sounds like
delaneyundead: ?
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: I like to think it's litteral it's zexy

insert more obscene lyrics here

delaneyundead: if some guy came up to me and said that and told me he 'deserved a lollipop, whore"
doucheisafunnyword: That's why I said ZEXY
delaneyundead: Id give hiim one...up his ass
doucheisafunnyword: LoL Have I mentioned I like kinky dirty sex? Not like gross buttsecks though
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: LMAO
doucheisafunnyword: :: snort ::
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: dont get me started
doucheisafunnyword: Plus that would have to be in the right context
delaneyundead: pleaseplease.
doucheisafunnyword: Wait what?!
delaneyundead: the things ive seen
doucheisafunnyword: Do it START
delaneyundead: *blind*
doucheisafunnyword: GO!
doucheisafunnyword: Go!
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: no way!
delaneyundead: this will most likely get published on robotluv, and im not posting that ish
doucheisafunnyword: Are we going to get into swapping stories of freak?
doucheisafunnyword: As long as it's not like gerbils or anything that's cool
doucheisafunnyword: LMAO
delaneyundead: I think my memories would've been alot happier had my last relationship been a healthy one
delaneyundead: *sigh*
delaneyundead: I need a healthy relationship
doucheisafunnyword: This is true
doucheisafunnyword: Or a good fucking from a rockstar
doucheisafunnyword: it's the same thing
doucheisafunnyword: :D
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: yeah, I can see where youre coming from?
delaneyundead: random ass
delaneyundead: is that?
delaneyundead: could it be?? MIc Todddddddd
doucheisafunnyword: I'm glad you like me, otherwise you'd be offended all the time
delaneyundead: in all his prettyness
doucheisafunnyword: IT's more akward
delaneyundead: omg
delaneyundead: its from 2001
delaneyundead: in 2001 i was about 14 or 15
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: It
delaneyundead: thats illegal
doucheisafunnyword: Nah well yeah but that cool
doucheisafunnyword: Shit when Josh and I started dating I was 16 (just turned) and he was 21
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
delaneyundead: wow..i like mic's fashionable aunt jemima head bandana
doucheisafunnyword: it's all freaky naughty
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: look at the hair beast
delaneyundead: go mic todd
delaneyundead: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: it's no where to be found
doucheisafunnyword: Should I send it to chonny?
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: only because
doucheisafunnyword: of the dancing that's coming up
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: hold on
delaneyundead: ill tell you
doucheisafunnyword: there's some GIANT ass that keeps girating in front of the camera
doucheisafunnyword: They are all really cute though
doucheisafunnyword: it's in the second song
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: okay
delaneyundead: so this recording quality is super
doucheisafunnyword: hell the video is worth just that
delaneyundead: it wasnt even recorded through the monitors
delaneyundead: someone just walked up with a cam
delaneyundead: woowoo best recordings ever. <3
doucheisafunnyword: yeah it's right up there with our video
doucheisafunnyword: I'd say our production quality was a little higher
doucheisafunnyword: :)
doucheisafunnyword: also rick astley
doucheisafunnyword: mm fish
delaneyundead: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: Clauds voice came with the hair btw
delaneyundead: id say the addition of rick astley in our video will up our fan base
delaneyundead: stardom, here we come
doucheisafunnyword: lol yessss
doucheisafunnyword: I like how mic says "Stick-ahs"
doucheisafunnyword: and stick-ahs
delaneyundead: oh wow
delaneyundead: insert gyrating due now
doucheisafunnyword: see the fatty?!
delaneyundead: there he is
doucheisafunnyword: YESSSSSSSS
delaneyundead: get it, guy in red shirt...get it
doucheisafunnyword: he's in pink and purple
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: I love it
delaneyundead: get it, my bad contact lenses, get it
doucheisafunnyword: no it's not that I don't see colors right
doucheisafunnyword: lol
doucheisafunnyword: really
doucheisafunnyword: I see colors off
doucheisafunnyword: so when it's red to everyone else I see hot pink
doucheisafunnyword: I can't see warm colors like everyone else
doucheisafunnyword: lol I'm "special"
delaneyundead: no, i think youre right this time
delaneyundead: my vision really is just that bad
delaneyundead: imlegally blind, you know
delaneyundead: its on my thrifty california license and everything
doucheisafunnyword: I didn't figure this out until a couple of years ago when josh and I argueed for 30 minutes about the color of a bus
doucheisafunnyword: LMAO
doucheisafunnyword: ooooh niiiice
doucheisafunnyword: I;d use that to my advantage
doucheisafunnyword: I didn't mean to punch you in the balls...I'm legally blind , ya know"
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: i think i did it to myself
doucheisafunnyword: lazer pointers?
delaneyundead: well, you know...not origionally...but i made it worse
doucheisafunnyword: lol
delaneyundead: lol in highschool i refused to wear my glasses unless in was a teenage protest bc i wanted contacts
delaneyundead: i lost those bitshes all the time!
doucheisafunnyword: are you watching mic's "sexy delaney" dance?
doucheisafunnyword: LoL
delaneyundead: once, no lie, i lost the rims but managed to keep the lenses...
delaneyundead: and yes, I had to tape them onto my face
doucheisafunnyword: WHAT THE FUCK?!
doucheisafunnyword: LMAO
delaneyundead: then dad bought me contacts
delaneyundead: :)
doucheisafunnyword: niiiiice
delaneyundead: go me
delaneyundead: okay no
doucheisafunnyword: child abuse at it's finest
delaneyundead: story behind it
doucheisafunnyword: should I send it to her?
delaneyundead: theres this water drainage thing, where all the snow and rain water comes from teh mountains and kinda flows off into what I assume to be the ocean...
delaneyundead: my old house was right next to it. we called it the zankee.
delaneyundead: well, they fell in there
delaneyundead: i found a dead fish head in there once
delaneyundead: i was not about to go diving for my rims
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: WHAT THE FUCK?
delaneyundead: but the lenses were clearly visible
doucheisafunnyword: MMM FISH
delaneyundead: so i snatched em
delaneyundead: i know, right?
delaneyundead: and my best friend ashten thinks SHES badass for growing up in JERSEY
delaneyundead: pssshhh
delaneyundead: lmfao
doucheisafunnyword: how did the lenses become detatched?
delaneyundead: id assume the rocks
delaneyundead: who knows?
doucheisafunnyword: oooh gottcha
doucheisafunnyword: Jesus
delaneyundead: but i swear on all things special
delaneyundead: that it did happen
doucheisafunnyword: je wanted you to have contacts
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: he did
delaneyundead: that he did
doucheisafunnyword: yessssss
doucheisafunnyword: did you know Angel Ariel has LEPROSY?!
delaneyundead:yeah, i follow Angel's blog
delaneyundead: poor lassie
delaneyundead: lets take one for the team and get leprosy too
doucheisafunnyword: I replied to you on teh interwebz
doucheisafunnyword: Fuck the team
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: now i see how it is
delaneyundead: why are we awake at 1 am being tools?
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: It's 3 here
delaneyundead: *sigh*
doucheisafunnyword: :D
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: oh its almost two here
delaneyundead: dang
delaneyundead: even worse
delaneyundead: dont be so excited to point that ish out
delaneyundead: lol

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ashten Thinks I Have Bad Taste In Men.

Via Yahoo Messenger with my best friend.

We Were using photoshare to talk dirt on boys and stuff-ish

delaneyundead: and the last is dr sexypants with a fish
delaneyundead: just because i can
delaneyundead: lol
Ashten Fox: wtf is with the fish
Ashten Fox: lol
delaneyundead: lol
Ashten Fox: is it kissing his forehead
delaneyundead: im not too sure
delaneyundead: but he looks happy
Ashten Fox: like thank you my animal doctor
Ashten Fox: for keeping me healthy
delaneyundead: L
delaneyundead: M
delaneyundead: F
delaneyundead: A
delaneyundead: O
delaneyundead: "thank you my animal doctor"
Ashten Fox: you should put a thought cloud
delaneyundead: rofl
Ashten Fox: on the fishy
Ashten Fox: and write that in it

5 minutes later...

delaneyundead: Im marrying Mic Todd

Ashten Fox: oh geez

Ashten Fox: well

delaneyundead: please be my maid of honor

delaneyundead: please?

Ashten Fox: ughhhhhhhhhh
delaneyundead: we are all wearing matching flannel
Ashten Fox: uuuuughhhhhhhhhh
Ashten Fox: I bet
Ashten Fox: fuckin lumberjacks
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: isnt that such a bad pic of him?
Ashten Fox: they all are
Ashten Fox: you say that one like its an exception
Ashten Fox: you cant take a good picture of a hideous person
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: Eh, its kinda cute
delaneyundead: now lets do a quick comparison
delaneyundead: Dr SexyPants kinda looks like mic todd a little
delaneyundead: lol
Ashten Fox: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
delaneyundead: he has a beard now too
Ashten Fox: no
Ashten Fox: nasty
Ashten Fox: ew
Ashten Fox: caca
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: omg
delaneyundead: i miss you
delaneyundead: lmfao
Ashten Fox: he looks like my sister in-laws nasty 35 year old boyfriend
Ashten Fox: its dirty
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: omg
delaneyundead: really?
delaneyundead: no way
delaneyundead: Todd And SexyPants are both hot
Ashten Fox: yeah
Ashten Fox: no
delaneyundead: dr sexypants is only 27
Ashten Fox: oh wow
Ashten Fox: hes only teetering on 30
Ashten Fox: wooo
delaneyundead: the last one is ugly
delaneyundead: he looks old as shit
delaneyundead: lol
Ashten Fox: he is old as shit
Ashten Fox: do you see the shiny gray hairs?
delaneyundead: so he has grey hair?
delaneyundead: whats the prob?
Ashten Fox: that is a problem
delaneyundead: lol
Ashten Fox: his sperm is probably like
Ashten Fox: all shriveled
delaneyundead: ok nothing is worse than this pic
delaneyundead: mic todd...
delaneyundead: lol
Ashten Fox: ughhhhhh
Ashten Fox: if its not a crazy marine its an ex heroin rock band guy
Ashten Fox: what ever happened to bryce
Ashten Fox: hes such a nice guy
Ashten Fox: the more you speak of these other men, the more I like bryce packard
delaneyundead: here, i added this for good measure

*Inserted Picture of Jesse McCartney into the Photo share, so that Ashten would not go blind from my love interests' glorious faces.*

delaneyundead: lol
Ashten Fox: mmmmm
Ashten Fox: i like him
delaneyundead: lmfao
Ashten Fox: the camera looks like
Ashten Fox: an erect penis
Ashten Fox: pointing at his face
delaneyundead: bryce looks closest to jesse mccartney out of the whole bunch
Ashten Fox: true
delaneyundead: LMFAO
delaneyundead: penis
delaneyundead: omg
delaneyundead: it does
Ashten Fox: i know.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pink Gypsy

Via Yahoo Messenger

Chris Smith: lol your running away to become a gypsy??
delaneyundead: yes
delaneyundead: i forgot to tell you
delaneyundead: after i found out you wouldnt wear pink at the wedding i was so heartbroken i made the life changing decision
Chris Smith: lol
delaneyundead: so, thanks to you, i have to tattoo a giant moon and star on my shoulder and then learn how to play the tambourine
delaneyundead: thanks alot, Chris
Chris Smith: lol
Chris Smith: oh gosh
delaneyundead: thats all you can say???!!!
Chris Smith: well i can't stop your dreams ha
delaneyundead: they arent dreams, they are what happens when a bride's groom ruins their wedding by refusing the color pink
Chris Smith: psh i didn't ruin it i just would never ware pink
Chris Smith: lol
delaneyundead: its not a widely publisized issue, but each year, hundreds of women across the globe are forced into traveling gypsy caravans as a result of their significant other's lack of enthusiasm over their wedding decor choices

5 minutes later...

delaneyundead: how about we compromise?
delaneyundead: black tie?
Chris Smith: i'd do that
delaneyundead: sweet
Chris Smith: lol
delaneyundead: can i still be a traveling gypsy?
Chris Smith: of course haha

Bloody Battles and Fishtanks.

Via Yahoo Messenger. Chris is backkk.

delaneyundead: hey at our wedding...will you wear pink?
Chris Smith: i have already told myself a long time ago i will never ware pink
delaneyundead: im so sad
Chris Smith: ?
Chris Smith: y
delaneyundead: bc i wanted you in pink
delaneyundead: my wedding is ruined
delaneyundead: how could you???
delaneyundead: lmfao
Chris Smith: lol im sorry
delaneyundead: now i have to battle you
delaneyundead: kinfefight?
delaneyundead: ???
delaneyundead: scaredy cat
Chris Smith: i get the axe
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: fine
delaneyundead: i want numchucks, a grenade, and the knives
Chris Smith: ok then i get an axe clymore and spear
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: then at the end, if we're still alive, we can shake hands, if we have them still
Chris Smith: lol
Chris Smith: of course
Chris Smith: then go eat some food with our blooden bodies
Chris Smith: at some fancy place
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: oh gosh
delaneyundead: people will scream
delaneyundead: maybe we will get better seating though
Chris Smith: lol
Chris Smith: near the fish tank
delaneyundead: yessss
delaneyundead: i am going to throw my eyeball in the tank for them
Chris Smith: not mine!
delaneyundead: wimp

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Via yahoo Messenger.

er5endaam: i was very polite
er5endaam: hey, you left me a voice mail!
er5endaam: i heart you
er5endaam: let's cohabitate
er5endaam: also, you don't ever need to leave your name with a vm
er5endaam: i recognize your sexy voice
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: sexy?
delaneyundead: i think i opened that one with "its a sheep!"
er5endaam: god yes
delaneyundead: or something
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: so hot of me
er5endaam: you did
er5endaam: so hot indeed
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: youre into some sick shit
delaneyundead: some very very sick shit
delaneyundead: lol
er5endaam: haha
er5endaam: oh yeah
er5endaam: forgot to give you a heads up with that


Via Yahoo Messenger. Bob and I have no lives.

delaneyundead: thanks for my oxen
er5endaam: indeed
er5endaam: wish i could afford me
er5endaam: more
er5endaam: *
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: me too
delaneyundead: *sigh*
delaneyundead: what is life without useless virtual oxen?
er5endaam: i don't want to know
delaneyundead: i saw
delaneyundead: in my friends pet society house
delaneyundead: a fish bowl that is green with a skeleton fish in it
delaneyundead: i want
delaneyundead: wonder where i can buy that?
er5endaam: hmmmm
er5endaam: that's awesome
delaneyundead: isnt it?

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sam and Dee...The Explorers.

Via yahoo Messenger. Oh Gee Sammy...we basically rock forever now. For the record, I am not a stalker. Boredom leads to amazing discoveries.

delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:11:26 PM): OMFG
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:11:27 PM): OMFG
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:11:28 PM): OMFG
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:11:29 PM): OMFG
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:11:30 PM): OMFG
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:11:31 PM): SAM!
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:11:35 PM): ?
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:11:36 PM): I think i found dr sexypants
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:11:39 PM): WHAT?
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:11:46 PM): ooooooooh
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:11:48 PM): LINK
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:11:49 PM): LINK
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:11:52 PM): LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINK
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:05 PM): there is no way
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:08 PM): there is no way this is him
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:09 PM): lol
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:16 PM):
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:22 PM): letes try and figure out if it is him
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:23 PM): ok
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:28 PM): i typed his last name in the search engine on a whim.
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:35 PM): and this popped up
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:41 PM): his name is the same as our sexypants
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:46 PM): and his hometown is mine
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:49 PM): thats where i live right now
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:12:55 PM): but i cant figure it out fromthe pic
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:13:00 PM): it doesnt look like him
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:13:18 PM): that pic just DOESNT look like him
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:13:28 PM): what are the chances of two "insert sexypants' real name here' in naperville ill?
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:13:29 PM): I hope it's not him :About me: I'm a really interesting person. I enjoy my own company more than the company of others. I masturbate frequently and sometimes cry afterwards.
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:13:30 PM): ?
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:13:38 PM): ?!
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:13:41 PM): LMFAO
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:13:45 PM): how will i ever know?
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:13:51 PM): the pic jsut doesnt look like him?
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:13:53 PM): but its a shitty pic
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:14:03 PM): does he have kids?
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:14:15 PM): OMFG
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:14:17 PM): its him
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:14:23 PM): you know how i know?
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:14:24 PM): oh wow
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:14:27 PM): bc in his comments
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:14:34 PM): there is a girl who is a doctor at our clinic
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:14:34 PM): so he masturbates and cries?doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:14:37 PM): niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:14:39 PM): lol
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:14:40 PM): lmfao
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:14:43 PM): lol
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:14:44 PM): yessssss
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:14:46 PM): this is special
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:14:47PM):You have to tell him tomorrow you found it
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:14:50 PM): that doesnt look like him at all
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:14:54 PM): no way!
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:14:56 PM): and ask him if he cries alot
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:15:00 PM): lolololol
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:15:04 PM): friend him on myspace
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:15:23 PM): tell him you got bored and were looking up co-workers
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:15:31 PM): he hasnt been on in forever
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:15:32 PM): omfg
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:15:34 PM): in his comments
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:15:38 PM): a pic or two of him
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:15:40 PM): and he looks
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:15:42 PM): butt ass ugly
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:15:46 PM): that doesnt look like him at all
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:15:47 PM): omg
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:15:49 PM): this is super
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:16:02 PM): orentation:not sure
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:16:04 PM): lolololol
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:16:10 PM): LMFAo
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:16:12 PM): i cant believe this
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:16:16 PM): im glad i found this
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:16:32 PM): his comments
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:16:33 PM): lol
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:16:35 PM): read this one:
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:16:42 PM): "hey... how come my penis smells like your mouth? its sort of creeping me out. and why does my head hurt when i wake up in the morning? anyway... see you soon bro. "
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:17:05 PM): "I enjoy using large words that I only partially understand, and then when someone asks me what it means I get all indignant and call them stupid. I've come into a recent dislike for Brazilians and thier salad tossing ways. "
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:17:07 PM): LMFAO
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:17:18 PM): LMFAo
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:17:20 PM): i am in love
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:17:22 PM): even more than before
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:17:26 PM): He's perfect for you.
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:17:28 PM): i am laughing in real life
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:17:29 PM): he's nuts
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:17:32 PM): thats how you know its perfect
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:17:33 PM): lol
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:17:50 PM): OMGd
elaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:17:53 PM): look in his comments
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:17:53 PM): ?
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:17:56 PM): there is one that a girl sent
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:18:03 PM): with is name written on her arm in blood
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:18:04 PM): lol
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:18:14 PM): holy shit
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:18:24 PM): guess imnot the only stalker. hahahah oh gosh.
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:18:25 PM): lol
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:18:27 PM): sam
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:18:31 PM): my night is so much better now
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:18:32 PM): lol
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:18:34 PM): and we shared this
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:18:35 PM): woowoo
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:19:00 PM): there is also a bunny raping a dog in his comments
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:19:01 PM): lol
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:19:08 PM): lol
delaneyundead (2/13/2009 9:19:10 PM): he is 27
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:19:37 PM): that looks like bbg sauce on her arm.
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:19:39 PM): lol
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:19:46 PM): bbq
doucheisafunnyword (2/13/2009 9:19:50 PM): lol

Rock Bottom, Oh Yes.

Via Yahoo Messenger. With MYSELF. Because loneliness sucks. For the record, I know I've lost it. You don't have to remind me.

How does this convo play out? Its simple. yahoo messenger allows for a user to have aliases. One of mine is Dee...the one I obviously use most is DelaneyUndead. I was just bored enough tonight to see if I could talk to myself. *sigh*

delaneyundead: hey
Dee: it is possible to instant message myself
delaneyundead: yeah it is...we're lame
delaneyundead: Just throwing that out there
Dee: I agree...only a super lame girl would write to herself
delaneyundead: Or a super lonely one.
delaneyundead: We are a lonely girl
Dee: thats deep.
Dee: I wish we had a place to go tonight
delaneyundead: By ourselves,even.
delaneyundead: i wouldn't be as lonely if I were out...i want to go stargazing.
Dee: We so should.
Dee: The skies are way clearer out here than at home.
delaneyundead: I miss home
Dee: ditto...mainly because Im I share your thoughts
delaneyundead: You know, Mrs. Myself, i think we've hit rock bottom.
Dee: psh...don't say that
delaneyundead: I just did.
Dee: Wanna knife fight, biotch??!!
delaneyundead: Woah calm down.
delaneyundead: lol
Dee: We are getting way too much enjoyment out of this conversation with ourself.
Dee: I feel like Golom in Lord of the Rings...and Im not so sure thats good. lmao
delaneyundead: Well Delaney (aka myself). I think talking to ourself out of boredom on yahoo messenger isnt complete and total rock bottom.
delaneyundead: I mean, we could be living in a house with cats.
delaneyundead: like, as in 'cat lady' style
Dee: True that.
Dee: Wanna go for a run?
delaneyundead: yeah why not?.
delaneyundead: Its cold outside...
Dee: I like the cold. i think we need it.
delaneyundead: OK..well
delaneyundead: lets go.
Dee: Sweet.
Dee: Love me!
delaneyundead: Love me too!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tim Tobias, The Dino Hater.

Via aol aim. Tim is pretty much the best friend a girl could have.

rocknrolldelaney (7:17:25 PM): hi!
xxTimBimxx (7:23:31 PM): and WHERE have YOU been?!
rocknrolldelaney (7:23:53 PM): lol
rocknrolldelaney (7:23:59 PM): riding dinosaurs to the moon
rocknrolldelaney (7:24:00 PM): and you?
xxTimBimxx (7:24:03 PM): I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK
xxTimBimxx (7:24:22 PM): you know
xxTimBimxx (7:24:24 PM): wackin it
rocknrolldelaney (7:25:45 PM): lol
rocknrolldelaney (7:25:47 PM): really?
rocknrolldelaney (7:25:49 PM): bc ive been gone?
rocknrolldelaney (7:25:53 PM): gosh you really DO love me
rocknrolldelaney (7:25:54 PM): :)
xxTimBimxx (7:26:30 PM):and you have been out riding dinosaurs! thats it...
xxTimBimxx (7:26:30 PM): its over
rocknrolldelaney (7:26:48 PM): lol
rocknrolldelaney (7:26:49 PM): no no
rocknrolldelaney (7:26:54 PM): i wasnt riding them like that!
rocknrolldelaney (7:26:55 PM): damn
xxTimBimxx (7:27:01 PM): mmm hmmm
xxTimBimxx (7:27:04 PM): to the moon?
rocknrolldelaney (7:27:04 PM): i wish i had known there was an 'us' in the first place
rocknrolldelaney (7:27:13 PM): i wouldve taken advantage of that ish and gotten some hugs at least
xxTimBimxx (7:27:28 PM): even more reason
xxTimBimxx (7:27:34 PM): im sick to my stomach now
xxTimBimxx (7:28:16 PM): oh well... breakup sex? lets make this quick cause i have a meeting in like 5
rocknrolldelaney (7:28:30 PM): lol
rocknrolldelaney (7:28:34 PM): i dont want quick sex
rocknrolldelaney (7:28:37 PM): anymore mr tim
rocknrolldelaney (7:28:46 PM): you have been banging me in 5 second intervals for weeks now
rocknrolldelaney (7:28:48 PM): tsktsk
xxTimBimxx (7:28:56 PM): lmao
xxTimBimxx (7:29:13 PM): like a screendoor in a hurricane!
rocknrolldelaney (7:29:38 PM): lol

Sam and Dee In Living Color

Created with Shared in Yahoo messenger and on

I luh my beastie bestie.

Mr Unicorn

Via yahoo messenger. oh sammy.

delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: these people on american idol look like r-tards
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: dont they?
delaneyundead: okay i need man advice
delaneyundead: as usual
doucheisafunnyword: they really do...
doucheisafunnyword: ooooh
doucheisafunnyword: go
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: ok
delaneyundead: theres this boy
delaneyundead: wanna see pictures?
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: we shall call him bob
delaneyundead: i think you will appreciate the cuteness
doucheisafunnyword: ues
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: omg
doucheisafunnyword: yes I do
delaneyundead: thats so close to home you dont even know
delaneyundead: we cant call him bob
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: HAHAHAHAHA
doucheisafunnyword: that's ridiculous
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: what should his code name be?
delaneyundead: since we cant use bob?
doucheisafunnyword: uuuuuh
doucheisafunnyword: uuuhhhhmmm
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: he looks like AJ from the backstreet boys
doucheisafunnyword: hahahahahahahah
doucheisafunnyword: a
delaneyundead: LMAO
delaneyundead: LMFAO
doucheisafunnyword: he shall be AJ
delaneyundead: let me show you more
delaneyundead: he doesnt
doucheisafunnyword: yes please dooooo
doucheisafunnyword: I can't believe I remembered that guys name.
doucheisafunnyword: I win...or lose. Depends on how you look at it
doucheisafunnyword: I lose.
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: lets just call him
delaneyundead: charlie
delaneyundead: as in
delaneyundead: the unicorn
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: well
delaneyundead: anyways
doucheisafunnyword: If he gets stupid we can shun him
delaneyundead: lMFAO
delaneyundead: yesss
delaneyundead: thats great
delaneyundead: youre the blue unicorn
delaneyundead: ill be the pink one
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: Yesssssssss
delaneyundead: anyways.
doucheisafunnyword: I don't know if we're boys or girls but we are AWESOME
delaneyundead: imkinda crushing-ish on this kid
doucheisafunnyword: and we steal kidneys
delaneyundead: but idk
delaneyundead: what do you think?
doucheisafunnyword: What's he like?

Makeup Beasties

Via yahoo messenger. sam and I, bestie beasties.

delaneyundead: hiya bestie
doucheisafunnyword: I thought that said beastie
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: that too
delaneyundead: my bestie beastie
doucheisafunnyword: I found THE perfect make up line for us.
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: ok
doucheisafunnyword: I almost wet my pants,but luckily since I'm in ax murderer mode I'm wearing an adult diaper!
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: oh gosh
delaneyundead: the astronaut thing again
doucheisafunnyword: it's soooooooooooooooooooooo drag
doucheisafunnyword: it's fantastic
doucheisafunnyword: and sparkly
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: oh gosh
delaneyundead: i love black eyeshadow
delaneyundead: im throwing that out there
delaneyundead: but i love it
doucheisafunnyword: Me too.
delaneyundead: i used to waer it in high school all the time
doucheisafunnyword: I'm a makeup whore
delaneyundead: OMG me too!
doucheisafunnyword: I used to wear hot pink and black eyeliner really thick
delaneyundead: look! red eyeshadow!
delaneyundead: oh man
delaneyundead: i want it!
doucheisafunnyword: Told ya
delaneyundead: why did you show this to me? im too poor!
doucheisafunnyword: This site is tha shit
delaneyundead: im in love
doucheisafunnyword: So we can dream
doucheisafunnyword: :)
delaneyundead: OMG...ooohhh
delaneyundead: pretty
delaneyundead: *star struck*
delaneyundead: yellow eyeshadow
delaneyundead: page two
doucheisafunnyword: I like the one called "unicorn"
doucheisafunnyword: hahah
delaneyundead: omg
delaneyundead: where??
delaneyundead: i have to find it
doucheisafunnyword: first page.. but it's sold out
delaneyundead: ohhh i have some that color
delaneyundead: called 'electric eel' by MAC
doucheisafunnyword: I have one that's that color but it's an all natural loose powder
delaneyundead: Mine is sold out too
doucheisafunnyword: ooooh I lurve electric eel.
doucheisafunnyword: I watch makeup videos on youtube and this girl was doing an eye look with electric eeeeeel
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: They have pretty cool demos on youtube.
delaneyundead: i have a liquid eyelier that is neon teal
doucheisafunnyword: oooh
delaneyundead: also MAC
delaneyundead: im a MAC whore
doucheisafunnyword: I have soooo much makeup
doucheisafunnyword: hahahaha
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: me too!
doucheisafunnyword: I wear alot of natural stuff
doucheisafunnyword: my skins sooooooooooooooooo sensitive
delaneyundead: youd think mine would be too
delaneyundead: but its not
delaneyundead: so i cover it in MAC
doucheisafunnyword: i used a fash wash once that was all natural and it gave me like a 1/4inch rash all over my face
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
delaneyundead: and then look ridiculous
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: no you looook fabulous
doucheisafunnyword: that's why youre poor your spending it all on MAC
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: no
delaneyundead: i havent bought MAC since the ball last year
delaneyundead: i just use that ish thrifty style
doucheisafunnyword: ebay is a bad ass place to get awesome make up dirt cheap
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: we are pathetic
doucheisafunnyword: no we're awesome
delaneyundead: next thing you know we'll be selling our bodies for some makeup
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: there is a difference
doucheisafunnyword: hahahahahhaha
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: can you see it?
doucheisafunnyword: Yes
delaneyundead: us...on the streets.
delaneyundead: with signs
doucheisafunnyword: but we'll be the sexiest most made up whore EVAH
doucheisafunnyword: lol
doucheisafunnyword: whores*
delaneyundead: and then Dr SexyPants and your husband drive by together (in teh same car) and say "Sam???? Delaney???" And we hide our faces behind the sign
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: and then they'll show up with the crew from that tv show intervention
delaneyundead: but they yell "you cant hide behind that sign! We'd know those sweet asses anywhere!"
doucheisafunnyword: and we'll be in a crack motel all twitchy surrouned by a thousand dollars of MAC
delaneyundead: :D
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: and when they ask us to go to the intervention right then and there...we'll say ok.
doucheisafunnyword: That's where I always wanted to end up
delaneyundead: but we'll fail out of rehab in like a week
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: Please I just want to hold my # 218 brush!!!
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: i have one of those!
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: oh man
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
delaneyundead: i think i might have a problem
doucheisafunnyword: We do but it's alright
doucheisafunnyword: :)
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: man
delaneyundead: lets illustrate this
delaneyundead: ill draw and mail to you
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: the first step is admitting... and the second step is applying tammy faye baker style eye makeup
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: oh gosh
delaneyundead: im down
delaneyundead: so down
delaneyundead: we should have a sleepover
delaneyundead: we can do makeup
delaneyundead: and tp houses
doucheisafunnyword: lol yesssssss
delaneyundead: then whore ourselves
doucheisafunnyword: hahahahah
delaneyundead: then beat up your brothers girlfriend
delaneyundead: but first
delaneyundead: i ahve to give my kid a bath
doucheisafunnyword: MAKEUP!
delaneyundead: brb

Monday, February 9, 2009

Double Mint Jail

delaneyundead: OMG
delaneyundead: Chris Brown beat up Rhianna!
Ashten Fox: wtf
Ashten Fox: are you serious?
delaneyundead: yeah
delaneyundead: link
Ashten Fox: gimme the link
delaneyundead: that bish probably deserved it
delaneyundead: im jk
delaneyundead: of course
Ashten Fox: omg
Ashten Fox: thats so crappy
Ashten Fox: I would have never though that Chris Brown would be lame
Ashten Fox: hes so....
Ashten Fox: cute-ish
delaneyundead: i know!
Ashten Fox: and you heard about T.I. right?
delaneyundead: he looks so innocent!
Ashten Fox: going to jail on gun charges
Ashten Fox: our rapper lovers suck
delaneyundead: itll be interesting to see what happens with this story
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: at least TI wants to go to college
Ashten Fox: true
delaneyundead: leave it to me to choose the lame one
Ashten Fox: he might go to college while in jail
Ashten Fox: lol
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: online college through prison
delaneyundead: Why Ashten???
delaneyundead: Why Do we always fall for the bad boys??!!
Ashten Fox: I dont know
Ashten Fox: its a habit

A few Minutes Later...

Ashten Fox: his real name is clifford Harris
Ashten Fox: I heart clifford.
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: TI???
Ashten Fox: yep
Ashten Fox: lmao
Ashten Fox: I dont think he wants to go to collehe
Ashten Fox: *college
Ashten Fox: hes from college park in atlanta Georgia
Ashten Fox: like
Ashten Fox: thats the name of his section of atlanta
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: oh
delaneyundead: so it was gang slang all along
delaneyundead: *sigh*
Ashten Fox: yes it was
Ashten Fox: no college dreams for TI
college kid reffered to his city
Ashten Fox: like
Ashten Fox: swagger of an O'side kid
Ashten Fox: or swagga of a jersey kid
Ashten Fox: same difference
Ashten Fox: damn
Ashten Fox: I thought he was classy for a hot minute
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: we are always let down in life
delaneyundead: oh well, Im still going to stay G
Ashten Fox: agreed
Ashten Fox: at heart anyway
Ashten Fox: I might not flaunt it so mucj
Ashten Fox: *much
Ashten Fox: theres some scary ass
Ashten Fox: real fast moving clouds
Ashten Fox: coming in over the house. thats cool.

Doctor Stalk With Dr. Sam.

Via Yahoo Messenger. :)

delaneyundead: i saw Dr sexypants today...and its funny bc now everytime i see him I think of you
doucheisafunnyword: yay! I'm addressing it now.
delaneyundead: that means, of course...that you have to be in our wedding when it comes
doucheisafunnyword: lol I can't wait for you to call him sexypants
doucheisafunnyword: brb going to put your card in the mailbox
delaneyundead: ok
delaneyundead: I kinda wish I would mess up and call him Dr SexyPants....or maybe refer to him as that to someone I work with
delaneyundead: That way itd be out there kinda.
delaneyundead: You know, like "delaney called Dr E 'Dr sexy pants'" and then he finds out a nd falls madly in love
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: I brushed his sleeve with my sleeve today.
delaneyundead: *magic*
delaneyundead: lmao
doucheisafunnyword: ooooh did he blush and say "sorry...wanna be my wife?"
delaneyundead: Psh...I wish
delaneyundead: Gosh....
doucheisafunnyword: did he blush?
delaneyundead: He kept walking
doucheisafunnyword: that would be cute.
delaneyundead: ouch
doucheisafunnyword: You should have smacked his ass.
doucheisafunnyword: and just kept on walking
delaneyundead: Im not sure if Im hallucinating or not
delaneyundead: but I swear he looks at me sometimes...
delaneyundead: ??? Do you think Im just reading into it?
doucheisafunnyword: oooohhh yessssssss
delaneyundead: I know it seems crazy
delaneyundead: but Im wondering
doucheisafunnyword: no he's sweating your hot balls
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: I knew it

Astronaut From Hell

Via Yahoo Messenger. Its me and Sam I really need any explanation other than that??

delaneyundead: say wha????
delaneyundead: ?????????????
doucheisafunnyword: give me your addresss nao!
doucheisafunnyword: I have a card to send you !!!!!!
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: what kind of card?

I then gave Sam my address, but if you think Im posting it here, youre out yo damn mind.

doucheisafunnyword: A frickin hilarious one and a picture I colored you
delaneyundead: if you use my address to try and ax murder me Im just letting you know taht i will fight back and you will surely die
doucheisafunnyword: It's okay I'll bring mace and wear an adduly diaper.
doucheisafunnyword: adult*
doucheisafunnyword: lol
doucheisafunnyword: isn't that what that astrnaut did?
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: yes
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: and she got hers in the end
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: crazy ass astronauts
doucheisafunnyword: they should have left that bitch in space
delaneyundead: lol...did she go to space?
delaneyundead: Maybe she had space dementia?
doucheisafunnyword: i dunno.
delaneyundead: hmmm
delaneyundead: Im excited for my card!
doucheisafunnyword: they should have sent her on a one way like they do with the monkeys

Sunday, February 8, 2009

According To Ross...

Via Yahoo Messenger with some photos from myspace.

delaneyundead: Hey Ross...Im going to stalk you at night with my fiberglass dinosaur friends
delaneyundead: just letting you know
Ross G: ok
Ross G: thats cool
Ross G: just dont kill me or anything
Ross G: stalking is ok
delaneyundead: i wont hurt you
delaneyundead: but i cant guarantee that they wont
Ross G: ok
delaneyundead: whatchyaaaa doinnnn'?

How I met MR. Ross...

delaneyundead: i saw my grandma the other day
delaneyundead: and we were talking about the vacation we took in 05
delaneyundead: the one that I met you on
delaneyundead: and i told her
delaneyundead: "grandma..I still talk to that ross boy who stalked me and leslee at our hotel"
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: she was like, "are you serious?"
delaneyundead: and I of course said "serious as a heart attack.
Ross G: hahaha
Ross G: i didnt stalk you
delaneyundead: i know
delaneyundead: but it adds character
delaneyundead: you know, when i tell the story
Ross G: yeah indeed
Ross G: you blow it out of proportion
Ross G: lol
delaneyundead: although you guys did randomly appear in our hotel parking lot...and we didnt tell you where we were staying.
Ross G: to make it interesting
delaneyundead: how did you know, anyway???
Ross G: we drove by
Ross G: and saw you outside
Ross G: i was like
Ross G: im going to turn in there
Ross G: and talk to them
Ross G: you where walking around in the parking lot
delaneyundead: lol...we were taking pictures of everything
delaneyundead: trying to find something exciting in kentucky land
delaneyundead: whatever happened to your friend?
Ross G: i dont hang out with him anymore
delaneyundead: he was ugly
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: just throwing that out there
Ross G: lol
Ross G: he thinks hes the shit
delaneyundead: Leslee and I rode that damn tilt a whirl at your work so many times bc we thought you were cute
delaneyundead: then we got REALLY REALLY sick
delaneyundead: and had to lay down
Ross G: yeah i could tell
delaneyundead: it was soooo awful
delaneyundead: lol
Ross G: i thought you where hot
delaneyundead: Im going to tag you in some myspace photos
Ross G: ok

Ross and I...05. In a parking lot where he stalked me. Uploaded from

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