Thursday, February 5, 2009

Eye Candy

Via Myspace Comments. Sam and I, once again...stalking someone or another.



lol....from now on when i want to be a creepy ass im going to tell people "i want to sex you up visually."good times, good times....

It would be even better if you said "guess what.. I just sexed you up..visually.. and it was goood." hahahaha

lol i might as well write a fucking stalker letter,*ahem*"Dear Mr Todd,i was wodnering if you remembered the particular show where I visually screwed you? As in, eye fucked you? Maybe the tape I sent with this letter of my eyes staring into the camera for an hour will refresh your memory. Either way, youre eyes are awesome in bed. Marry me?-sincerely,Delaney"

How could he resist?

Easily. he goes to his local police station and requests a restraining order. lol.*sigh* if only there was no such thing as 'famous'. then Id actually have a chance. lol..but for now, guess I stick with Dr SexyPants


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