Monday, February 23, 2009

Someone Please Beat Me To The Brink Of Death And Then Leave Me For A Few Days So My Ghost-Like Spirit Can Wander Around Spying On People...

Via yahoo messenger. My status today said "I had a great dream about someone last night and Im not telling." So Ashten responded.

Ashten Fox: lmao
Ashten Fox: i bet i could guesssss
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: ok
delaneyundead: guess
Ashten Fox: uhm
Ashten Fox: dr sexypants
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: how could you ever have known?
Ashten Fox: idk
Ashten Fox: i think i have espn
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: I kept Drew home from daycare today
delaneyundead: hes feeling better
delaneyundead: but i didnt want to test it
delaneyundead: so now he is napping
Ashten Fox: yeah
Ashten Fox: auwww
delaneyundead: and I watched a great movie
Ashten Fox: poor buddy
delaneyundead: that was sad
Ashten Fox: which one
delaneyundead: The Invisible
delaneyundead: seen it?
Ashten Fox: no i havent
Ashten Fox: sonds familiar though
delaneyundead: Hold on
delaneyundead: Ill send you a link
Ashten Fox: that looks good
Ashten Fox: hmm
delaneyundead: It was really intense
delaneyundead: lol
Ashten Fox: it is going on my netflix
delaneyundead: and Im PMSing so it almost made me cry
delaneyundead: dont read too much of that link though
delaneyundead: I think it spoils the ending
delaneyundead: and the best part is the suspense
Ashten Fox: holy cow
Ashten Fox: i can watch it right now on netflix
Ashten Fox: ay caramba
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: you should
delaneyundead: its intense
Ashten Fox: i will when im done making this video im workin on
delaneyundead: lol the lead actor starts out not so cute
delaneyundead: but then since hes such a decent actor
delaneyundead: he gets cuter
Ashten Fox: i love those kind

A few minutes later...

delaneyundead: oh lame
delaneyundead: the lead actor i was telling you about?
Ashten Fox: yeah
delaneyundead: well..hes in dragonball
delaneyundead: how lame
delaneyundead: it comes out this year
Ashten Fox: hahahahahahahha
Ashten Fox: dragonball?!
Ashten Fox: wtffffff
delaneyundead: yeah
Ashten Fox: im so sick of all this japanese anime shit
delaneyundead: how is he even in it?
Ashten Fox: japanese people are dorks
delaneyundead: hes not even asian
delaneyundead: wanna see?
Ashten Fox: hence steven loves them
Ashten Fox: i believe you
delaneyundead: oh boo
delaneyundead: it wont let me copy/save
delaneyundead: here
delaneyundead: look at this link
Ashten Fox: ok
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: thats him
delaneyundead: stupid
Ashten Fox: very
delaneyundead: In some of his pics hes cute
delaneyundead: in some he looks like someone's hairy ass
delaneyundead: 'Justin Chatwin'
Ashten Fox: lmao
Ashten Fox: you dont have anything against hairy ass face
Ashten Fox: look at mic todd
delaneyundead: oh we go again
delaneyundead: must I explain to you how beautiful he is when hes playing bass on stage?Ashten Fox: here we go again where im right
Ashten Fox: and your crazy
delaneyundead: Crazy for some lumberjack
delaneyundead: mrs. delaney Mic Todd
delaneyundead: it kinda looks scottish if you dont know how to say it
delaneyundead: sweet
Ashten Fox: lmao
delaneyundead: Delaney McTodd
delaneyundead: You could shorten it, even
Ashten Fox: you are going to love my mooooooooovie
delaneyundead: Delaney Todd
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: I bet I will
Ashten Fox: oh you have no idea


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