Monday, February 9, 2009

Astronaut From Hell

Via Yahoo Messenger. Its me and Sam I really need any explanation other than that??

delaneyundead: say wha????
delaneyundead: ?????????????
doucheisafunnyword: give me your addresss nao!
doucheisafunnyword: I have a card to send you !!!!!!
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: what kind of card?

I then gave Sam my address, but if you think Im posting it here, youre out yo damn mind.

doucheisafunnyword: A frickin hilarious one and a picture I colored you
delaneyundead: if you use my address to try and ax murder me Im just letting you know taht i will fight back and you will surely die
doucheisafunnyword: It's okay I'll bring mace and wear an adduly diaper.
doucheisafunnyword: adult*
doucheisafunnyword: lol
doucheisafunnyword: isn't that what that astrnaut did?
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: yes
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: and she got hers in the end
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: crazy ass astronauts
doucheisafunnyword: they should have left that bitch in space
delaneyundead: lol...did she go to space?
delaneyundead: Maybe she had space dementia?
doucheisafunnyword: i dunno.
delaneyundead: hmmm
delaneyundead: Im excited for my card!
doucheisafunnyword: they should have sent her on a one way like they do with the monkeys


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