Wednesday, February 4, 2009

They Told You Unicorns Were Your Friends...They Lied.

Yahoo messenger convo with Mr.Bob.

er5endaam: wtf
delaneyundead: yeah
delaneyundead: wtf-ing awesome is what it is
er5endaam: well played
er5endaam: how's your day off?
delaneyundead: eh...
delaneyundead: boring?
delaneyundead: I just found a blog I really like
delaneyundead: but its all written in arabic
delaneyundead: bummer day
er5endaam: boooooooooo
delaneyundead: youre tellin gme
er5endaam: i wish i knew arabic
delaneyundead: Today, my son grabbed a piece of wood, bit into it, and said "cookie."
delaneyundead: i was like, "No Drew, that is not a cookie."
er5endaam: hahahaahahahahahahahaha
er5endaam: hahahahahahahahahahahaahah
delaneyundead: No laughing matter, sir!
delaneyundead: Then again, youre the same guy who laughs at unicron death
delaneyundead: *unicorn
delaneyundead: Yeah, youd better run
er5endaam: i no longer laugh at the deaths of unicorns
er5endaam: i am on their side
delaneyundead: Really now?
delaneyundead: since when?
delaneyundead: Welcome to the dark side
er5endaam: oh no
er5endaam: dark side?
er5endaam: i'm scared
er5endaam: i got chills reading that
delaneyundead: that youre one of us, there is something I can tell you.
delaneyundead: We unicorn lovers and unicorns themselves from across the land all hide under the disguise of the rainbow magic.
delaneyundead: really truly we are evil evil creatures
er5endaam: oh no
er5endaam: um
er5endaam: i may have made a mistake
delaneyundead: Its too late now, Bob. youre stuck
delaneyundead: Blood in, blood out
delaneyundead: as they say in 'the hood'
er5endaam: i bleed rainbow blood
er5endaam: isn't that enough?
delaneyundead: no...unfortunetely.
delaneyundead: youre screwed, nukka
delaneyundead: (unicorn style)
delaneyundead: but in other news, unicorn bingo hall meets this coming Tuesday.
er5endaam: ouch
er5endaam: that sounds unpleasant
er5endaam: oh yay
er5endaam: that part sounds pleasant
delaneyundead: Yeah, the grand prize is the blood of innocent children!
delaneyundead: Soooo excited
delaneyundead: Wanna carpool?
er5endaam: haha
er5endaam: absolutely


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