Via yahoo messenger photoshare with sam. I cant believe IM posting this. It makes me look like an effing psycho. Im diggin my own grave with this one...
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: tada
delaneyundead: my computer screen
doucheisafunnyword: hahahahaha
delaneyundead: youre on it too
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: <3
delaneyundead: lol
doucheisafunnyword: Now I should send you mine.
delaneyundead: part of me wants to post this to robotluv sooo bad
delaneyundead: because its super
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: super stalkerish, taht is
doucheisafunnyword: dooo it
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: im going for it
delaneyundead: im going for it
delaneyundead: lmfao
doucheisafunnyword: mines creepy
doucheisafunnyword: mines creepy
doucheisafunnyword: lol
delaneyundead: lmao
delaneyundead: yesss
doucheisafunnyword: I lurve it
delaneyundead: but the question is: whos is creepier?
delaneyundead: lol
delaneyundead: because at least yours isnt stalking a famous person like mine
doucheisafunnyword: hmmmm they are creepy in different ways
delaneyundead: What would be REALLY creepy is if we combined the two
doucheisafunnyword: mines just a psychotic rapist
delaneyundead: lol.
delaneyundead: before tonight at least in my defense I can say my background was different
doucheisafunnyword: Yessss can you photoshop?
delaneyundead: it was the mic todd pic you sent me, minus the border
delaneyundead: lmfao im such a tool.
doucheisafunnyword: You should photoshop mic into joker makeup
doucheisafunnyword: hahahahaha
delaneyundead: lmfao
delaneyundead: no way
delaneyundead: thatd crush my dreams
doucheisafunnyword: So, do you like fat guys with no money?
doucheisafunnyword: yesss
doucheisafunnyword: yesss
doucheisafunnyword: wait
doucheisafunnyword: noooooo
delaneyundead: knowing my luck, one day ill meet him..and he'll be like "lets elope." so we do..and then in the middle of the night I wake up to find him in full out joker paint
delaneyundead: and then he will inform me casually that its just what he does at night time for fun.
doucheisafunnyword: hahaha
doucheisafunnyword: or he'll be getting it on with a donkey and be like "it's those damn muscle mags!"
delaneyundead: If Chonny were to ever stumble upon this Id die.
doucheisafunnyword: lmao
My Computer Background
Sam's Computer Background
I really love this. You should rename this site "Delaney and Sam's random conversations that no one else will ever get."
lmfao. its so true. or 'delaney stalks mic todd while sam encourages it'
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